Campaign set to raise awareness of the ageing workforce

Experience Works! is a Government-funded project, set up to provide the over-45s with personal and work skills to help them back into the workforce or to change their career path.

Liz Farmer explained to Quiet Storm that members of the target audience often have negative feelings about their situation and an image was required that focused upon the positive elements to encourage people to overcome their initial fears.

"Quiet Storm seemed to grasp quickly the issues surrounding the ageing workforce which made us feel comfortable with them and they were also the only one of the four agencies we saw, who could provide everything we needed - design of the corporate image, digital print, video production and a web site - in-house

"To be able to call on all of these skills from one place is marvellous - it meant that our time was spent more effectively not managing and briefing several agencies. They have made the job incredibly easy but there is more to it than that - they have made it fun to work with them."

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