it’s all about
return on investment
Could your sales, marketing and communications be better? The key is having very clear objectives, setting out what you want to happen and how the results will be measured. If you know exactly what you want or simply the results you wish to experience, rest assured you are in good hands. Should there be any doubt in our mind about any aspect - you will be presented with solutions not problems.
News from April 2004
28 April 2004
A website designed to help the RSA to plant 250,000 trees during its 250th anniversary year on sites nationwide has been created by Quiet Storm
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28 April 2004
National Schools Growing Competition introduces Baby Bio to younger audience
Designed to help children learn and have fun with plants, this competition has been running for a number of years with the support of a range of sponsors from the horticultural world
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16 April 2004
Chief Exec of The Derbyshire Building Society uses video to deliver personal message to employees
The need to communicate an important message consistently in different places and at different times prompted The Derbyshire building society to contact Quiet Storm
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8 April 2004
Lightbox advertising used by shopping centre to promote events
Grimsby's premier shopping mall, Freshney Place, was looking for an attractive and user-friendly way of providing information about the centre and future events taking place there
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4 April 2004
Phostrogen roadshows great for face to face marketing
Pbi Home & Garden, the home of Baby Bio, Phostrogen and Bio, not only produces these popular garden products but also offers invaluable advice and hints and tips on how best to use them
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4 April 2004
Directmail takes college message to employers
South Leicestershire College was looking for a way of finding work placements for its Modern Apprenticeship trainees in Accounting, Business Administration, Care, Childcare, IT and Retail
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4 April 2004
Direct mail takes college message to employers
South Leicestershire College was looking for a way of finding work placements for its Modern Apprenticeship trainees in Accounting, Business Administration, Care, Childcare, IT and Retail
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