it’s all about
return on investment
Could your sales, marketing and communications be better? The key is having very clear objectives, setting out what you want to happen and how the results will be measured. If you know exactly what you want or simply the results you wish to experience, rest assured you are in good hands. Should there be any doubt in our mind about any aspect - you will be presented with solutions not problems.
News from November 2004
25 November 2004
For the second year in succession, the contract to produce the pbi Home & Garden brochure has been awarded to Quiet Storm Solutions Limited
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25 November 2004
Leading UK waste disposal company investment in corporate website helps promote better image
The desire to provide potential customers with a range of information that was fast and easy to access prompted Ward Waste Management Solutions to consider having a website
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15 November 2004
Colour selector provides useful for gardeners and provides a PR coup
As a way of extending brand recognition for the Phostrogen range of garden products, the decision was taken to create a Garden Colour Creator wheel for the pbi home & garden products
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15 November 2004
Wolsey's sales brochure goes digital and is more up to date as a result
When planning its Spring/Summer 2005 sales brochure Wolsey Ltd. wanted to leave as short a time as possible between going to print and the conference at which the document was to be distributed
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