Time-Critical Project Completed in 48 Hours

Bradstone, the market-leading company in the supply and manufacture of pre-cast concrete products for the garden and housing markets, was driven by a deadline for a leaflet that many would consider an impossibility to meet.
The company was exhibiting at the world’s premier horticultural exhibition – The Chelsea Flower Show. A leaflet featuring the company’s Chelsea garden and the products used within it was required, to serve a number of purposes.
As well as depicting the garden, created by celebrated designer Alan Sargent, the leaflet needed to provide information about plants and features used, promote Bradstone’s latest brochure and include a garden design DVD offer.
Bradstone had asked for a four-page A5 leaflet, but the expert designers at Quiet Storm explained that an A4 DL format would work much better. With so many different elements to be included, they explained, the six panels of the DL format would keep them separate and so maximise the impact.
So, a design for a four-colour A4 DL leaflet was created by Quiet Storm and approved by Bradstone well in advance of the actual event.
And the format was not the only change that Quiet Storm suggested and effected very successfully.
Originally Bradstone had suggested that the only element that needed to be left until the last minute was the photograph of the Chelsea garden itself.
One of the original ideas had been to lift pictures of the Bradstone garden products used, including paving, walling and edging, from the company’s brochure. But Quiet Storm’s creative team felt it would be better to use photographs of the products used in the garden in situ, rather than lifting plain cut-outs from the brochure.
To make this possible a member of Quiet Storm’s team travelled down to Chelsea on the Thursday ahead of Sunday’s opening, directed the photographer to take shots that would fit appropriately into the pre-designed leaflet, and returned to the studio with the images.
The pictures were then dropped into place, a final draft produced, and prepared for litho printing. Everything was approved and completed by the next morning and 40,000 copies of the leaflet were delivered to Chelsea by Saturday, arriving well ahead of the crowds!
In addition to the creative input, Bradstone needed a partner that could take on every aspect of the project, from planning to final delivery. Quiet Storm did this.
Commenting on the project Paul Wagstaff, Marketing Manager for Bradstone, said: “We can trust Quiet Storm to meet our deadlines and control every aspect of the project, from design through origination to print.
“We were very pleased with the leaflet. It looked good, included all the elements we requested and arrived at the medal-winning garden in plenty of time.”
Quiet Storm Director Phil Megson, who managed the Bradstone project, said: “It took careful planning and precise time management to complete this job, but we feel the quality of the leaflet reflected the work we did.”

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