Features upgrade increases visitors to NHS Trust website

Web and Marketing Manager for the Trust, Daniel Ibeziako said: “As our Trust serves a population of over a million people and the communities of both Coventry and Rugby are very diverse, it was important that our site could be accessed by people with a wide range of abilities. To achieve this we added new features to the website, including Google Translate, buttons to change text size and embedded video clips.

“The site attracts approximately 25,000 visits each month and since the update we have definitely seen an upward trend in visitor numbers. We also encourage users to respond to the site either by clicking the feedback links on each page or to email us. We respond to all comments and take on board any suggestions made.

“Quiet Storm worked with us on the previous version of our website and we enlisted their expertise for this latest project. The team understood what we wanted to achieve and were easily accessible for any queries or ideas we had.”

University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust is one of the UK's largest teaching Trusts and works in close partnership with Warwick Medical School to develop innovative medical education programmes and clinical research. The Trust is responsible for managing two major hospitals – University Hospital in Coventry and the Hospital of St Cross in Rugby.

To meet the requirements of UHCW’s corporate website, Quiet Storm had originally built a site structure with a robust framework that would accommodate a large number of menus and sub-menus. The site is an important source of information for patients, hospital visitors, GPs, potential employees and the local community. In commissioning the upgrade UHCW was keen to integrate new technology into the site to allow the widest possible access of information. Google Translate is able to convert the text on each page into more than 50 foreign languages. Visitors can also change the text size to make it larger and can subscribe to an RSS feed which allows them to keep up to date with hospital news. Video clips strengthen the message on selected pages and there are also clear links to other related sites.

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