Graphic displays helps Toyota promote its philosophy of kaizen to employees

Based on the company’s fundamental philosophy of kaizen – a belief that continuous improvement in all areas of the business should be an on-going activity supported by all employees - the Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) initiative was to be promoted within each manufacturing area at the plant which will have the capacity to build 285,000 vehicles per year.

QS was awarded a contract to design and print around 80 of the boards, which promote CIP as well as recording manufacturing teams’ progress through seven levels of achievement.

The boards are a 1150mm by 820mm landscape design, printed in full colour with a laminate finish and mounted to pvc foam. In addition, QS has designed and printed self-adhesive labels that are used to recognise teams’ achievements by awarding each level of development as it is reached.

The boards are now in full use, helping each individual member of the shop floor staff to become fully involved and engaged in the running and improvement of his or her work area.

Philip Megson, a Director at Quiet Storm, said: “We are often asked to help with internal communication, but more usually requests are for intranets or newsletters. We were very pleased to carry out this innovative work and with the finished results.”

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