PBI new premises are an exhibition piece
1 May 2002
The impressive design and fit-out of a new headquarters building in Hertfordshire for pbi Home & Garden, the home of Baby Bio, Phostrogen and Bio products, has just been completed - by Quiet Storm Solutions.
pbi was introduced to Quiet Storm by its publicists Paskett PR. Our first work for the garden product giant was to design a series of consumer booklets for garden centres and to use as reader offers. These have been snapped up in their thousands.
When Rachel Jones of Paskett PR was asked to recommend an interior designer for pbi's new offices and she suggested Quiet Storm, pbi was more than happy to have a look at our suggestions, and having seen our ideas they awarded us the work.
The designs, which use a range of features including laser-cut stainless steel, work to provide the Bayer Group business with an environment that, as Rachel says,
"Really reflects the personality of the company and presents its mission statement in a way no-one will forget. Quiet Storm has made inspirational use of space. Visitors go away from the offices knowing how the company fits into the Bayer Group, what it is about and what its brands are.
"Everyone is so impressed with the work - and anyone who sees the premises will understand why!"
The company was so impressed by Quiet Storm's designs that they appointed Quiet Storm to produce the latest corporate brochure and work is now underway on its Business Review Document 2002.