Online portal sets ‘Qualification & Training Awarding Body’ apart from its competitors
11 February 2016
AIM Awards is a national awarding organisation, offering a large number of Ofqual regulated qualifications at different levels and in a wide range of subject areas. Their portfolio of QCF qualifications are flexible enough to be delivered in a range of settings, from small providers to large colleges and in the work place.
Helping us overcome the up and coming challenges we faced as an organisation
Based in Derby, AIM Awards have an extensive customer base across the UK and overseas. Awarding organisations were facing several challenges, from cuts in government funding to rationalisation of awarding bodies within training and education organisations. Having been initially recommended to Quiet Storm to help develop a new website, it became clear they could help with much more. This included being made aware of several grant funding streams which would help develop a clear strategy and develop the management skills needed.
Changing funding streams and rationalising providers meant having a clear reason to choose AIM Awards
The changes in government funding for different qualifications meant that some courses had become less desirable for colleges and training providers. This also concentrated focus on the providers of courses which still attracted funding. With intense pressure to deliver more for less in the market, colleges were also trying to reduce the administrative burden of managing several awarding providers. This meant AIM Awards needed to radically review the courses on offer and how they could add value to colleges to make them a more attractive supplier.
Having a focus on what our customers wanted enabled us to make the changes needed
The GrowthAccelerator coaching facilitated by Steve Megson helped us develop a robust customer focused strategy using the Storming® process. The coaching process enabled us to look at what we do from the customers perspective and design an engagement process which has become the talk of our industry.
The result was a transformation in the way we engaged with our clients and helped create a unique differentiator within our sector.
We made it easier for colleges to deal with us
GradeTraka is an online portal which enables our clients to access and manage processes online. It makes working with us easier and has tools which enhance our clients daily roles. It has become a key reason to choose our organisation above the competition.
Linda Wyatt, Chief Executive, AIM Awards